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I did a review as part of #HallowZine

Thanks a lot for reviewing the adventure! Much appreciated!

Hello, Tuomas! I sent you a message in Facebook, please check it out! :)


Hi! It is 26 pages. The whole dungeon is visible in the screenshots, and the village has 7 briefly detailed locations. The book has tools for generating the town and townsfolk as you go.

It probably takes 1-2 sessions to "finish" it.

The dungeon is set up like a real space with a single enemy faction inhabiting it. It has a couple of environmental hazards and some mysterious lore baked into the environment, and a few friendly/neutral NPC interactions.

Hi! This look great, but I'd like to know a bit more about the length of the adventure. How many pages to the PDF? How many location in the town? How many room to the dungeon?
